Friday, March 20, 2009

Lunch 3/19

Left: White pasta shells

Right: Jello, carrots, bananas, turkey and cheese wraps

Comments: Mmm, leftovers! Hehe yeah the pasta shells were what I had left over from my dinner and they were actually really good cold! ...I accidently put spicy cheese in the turkey wraps so I only ate one of them because I'm bad with spicy foods... o.o;

Lunch 3/18

Left: PBJ sandwich, carrots

Right: Peanut butter, bananas, apples

Comments: Uber simple as always! Teehee my friends thought the apples were adorable. And I love peanut butter. I REALLY do.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lunch 3/17 (St. Patrick's Day!)

Left: Green-coloured peach yogurt w/ sprinkles, carrots and peas stacked on toothpicks, and half a hotdog made like a heart (:3)

Right: PB&J Sandwich w/ green sprinkles, more carrots

Comments: Omg this was fun! Hehe it was St. Patrick's Day today so I tried to scrape together a few things that were green...but we didn't have much that was naturally green! :[ So I'm a little unhealthy with the sprinkles, but the yogurt is nonfat and I'm totally counting it as fruit cuz it's peach-flavoured >>;;

Lunch 3/16

Left: Mint chocolate chip cookie!

Middle: Rolled bologna, red jello, pb&j sandwich shaped like a bunny

Right: Bunny-shaped baby carrot sticks, peanut butter, bananas (the pink stuff on the bananas is frosting. I'm very unhealthy. lol)

Comments: Well I also put in a picture of how I wrap my lunches in the furoshiki my sister bought me while she was in Japan! This lunch was incredibly delicious! hehe but I ended up sharing the cookie with three of my friends because I was already full from everything else...

Lunch 3/15

Left: Ketchup & rice onigiri, orange wedge, red jello, and bologna

Right: More onigiri and bologna, cucumber and cream cheese "salad"

Comments: Well it looks pretty plain and boring to me...haha. It was uber quick made out of some left over rice (I love rice with ketchup. Is that weird?). Also, I love jello and bologna. You'll probably see those often!

Welcome to Simple Bentos (From a Picky Eater)!

Hey there! I'm pretty entertained that you somehow stumbled upon my little blog, hehe!

I'm a 17 year old chick from California and I love making bentos! I bring them with me to high school every day and my friends think that it's pretty unique! :] The only problem? I'm a VERY picky eater and I pretty much really suck at cooking. Many of the things in my bentos are super simple things that even little kids can make on their own (in fact, my 9 year old brother has taught me some things. XD)! I generally just use whatever I can find in my kitchen (which is rarely stocked with normal bento stuff)! *giggles*

So enjoy this, maybe it'll give you a little inspiration, or maybe you can give me some tips!
